In this guide I am going to cover some of the most profitable scrolls on my server. This list will most likely be the same for most servers, but every servers economy is different and what may be profitable for me may not be for you. I would suggest checking prices before you empty out your bank on mats.
I would suggest pairing enchanting together with jewelcrafting. Some other good professions to use are blacksmithing, leatherworking, and tailoring.
In a later guide I will make a list of what to craft with each profession to make the most gold when combined with jewelcrafting.
Now here is my list of the most profitable scrolls:
1. Enchant Boots- Mastery
2. Enchant Weapon- Landslide
3. Enchant Cloak- Mighty Intellect
4. Enchant Bracer- Mighty Intellect
5. Enchant Bracer- Major Strength
6. Enchant Weapon- Power Torrent
7. Enchant Boots- Lavawalker
8. Enchant Boots- Assasin's Step
9. Enchant Bracer- Greater Expertise
10. Enchant Weapon- Windwalk
Some of the Wrath enchants are also very profitable because some people don't want to dish out the gold for the Cataclysm enchants.
April 25, 2012
April 23, 2012
How to Make Gold With Jewelcrafting and Enchanting Patch 4.3
I just wanted to share another way of making World of Warcraft gold using Jewelcrafting and enchanting with you all. I stumbled across this method when trying to figure out a way to profit from my extra epic gems from prospecting.
I specifically wanted to get rid of some stockpiled amberjewels. There is not much demand for the cut gems on my server, so I was going to craft them into something. I noticed that I could make Viscous Amberjewel Bands and disenchant them into heavenly shards.
This is a good source of gold because Heavenly shards sell very nicely on the AH, and because I am in a level 25 guild, I have a chance to proc an extra one while DE.
And the breakdown looks like this:
4x Amberjewel - 21g 50s
8x Volatile Water- 37g 20s
1x Jewelers Setting - 1g
Total mat costs = 59g 70s
1 Heavenly Shard sells for about 85g on my server, so that's a little over 25g per ring, not including procs.
That not to shabby for about 30 seconds of work each.
I specifically wanted to get rid of some stockpiled amberjewels. There is not much demand for the cut gems on my server, so I was going to craft them into something. I noticed that I could make Viscous Amberjewel Bands and disenchant them into heavenly shards.
This is a good source of gold because Heavenly shards sell very nicely on the AH, and because I am in a level 25 guild, I have a chance to proc an extra one while DE.
And the breakdown looks like this:
4x Amberjewel - 21g 50s
8x Volatile Water- 37g 20s
1x Jewelers Setting - 1g
Total mat costs = 59g 70s
1 Heavenly Shard sells for about 85g on my server, so that's a little over 25g per ring, not including procs.
That not to shabby for about 30 seconds of work each.
April 18, 2012
How to Gear a Protection Paladin for Dragon Soul
In this guide we are going to go over how to gear a Protection Paladin for raiding in Dragon Soul. This guide will go step by step on how to gear for DS in just a single week. This is geared towards new level 85 players, so if you are a bit further down the line, just find you correct ilevel and go from there.
• Buy any greens off the Auction House to replace heirloom gear
• Complete “Call of the Earth Shaman” for Mantle of Patience
• Complete “Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion”
• Unlock and clear all dailies, then go through the Molten Front port
• Buy Pyrelord Greaves from Zen’Vorka
• Do all Firelands dailies each day to complete “The Shadow Wardens,”
“The Druids of the Talon,” and finally “Calling the Ancients.”
• Buy Nemesis Shell Band, Lylagar Horn Ring, and Relic of Tortolla
from Varian Highbough
• At 310+ iLevel, queue for Normal Cataclysm Dungeons for Justice Points
• Buy the following with Justice Points:
o Immolation Chestguard
o Bracers of Regal Force
o Immolation Handguards
o Immolation Legguards
o Deflecting Brimstone Band
o Deathclutch Figurine
• At 350+ iLevel, queue for Random Rise of the Zandalari Heroic to get 3-6 of the following:
o Amulet of Protection (Gri’lek-Zul’Gurub)
o Bloodlord’s Protector (Bloodlord Mandokir-Zul’Gurub)
o Coils of Hate (High Priest Venoxis-Zul’Gurub)
o Shield of the Blood God (Jin’Do the God Breaker-Zul’Gurub)
o Pauldrons of Sacrifice (Hex Lord Malacrass-Zul’Aman)
o Spiritshield Mask (Nalorakk-Zul’Aman)
• Buy Scales of Life from the Auction House
• At 355+ iLevel, queue for Random Hour of Twilight Heroic to get all of the following:
o Girdle of Lost Heroes (All Echoes-End Time)
o Chrono Boots (Murozond-End Time)
o Annihilan Helm (Mannoroth/Varo’then-Well of Eternity)
o Gavel of Peroth’arn (Peroth’arn-Well of Eternity)
o Queen’s Boon (Queen Azshara-Well of Eternity)
o Iceward Cloak (Arcurion-Hour of Twilight)
o Pauldrons of the Dragonblight (Archbishop Benedictus-Hour of
o Corrupted Carapace (Asira Dawnslayer-Hour of Twilight)
o Veil of Lies (Archbishop Benedictus-Hour of Twilight)
Full Pre-Raid Gearing List:
Head [378] Annihilan Helm (Well of Eternity)
[353] Spiritshield Mask (Zul’Aman)
[346] Helm of the Proud (2200JP)
Neck [378] Stoneheart Necklace (1250JP)
[365] Fireheart Necklace (Molten Front)
[353] Amulet of Protection (Zul’Gurub)
Shoulders [378] Pauldrons of the Dragonblight (Hour of Twilight)
[353] Pauldrons of Sacrifice (Zul’Aman)
[346] Sunburnt Pauldrons (1650JP)
Back [378] Iceward Cloak (Hour of Twilight)
[365] Mantle of Patience (Thrall quest)
[359] Wrap of the Great Turtle (Guardians of Hyjal)
Chest [378] Immolation Chestguard (2200JP)
[378] Breastplate of Tarnished Bronze (End Time)
[359] Icebone Hauberk (BoE)
Wrist [378] Bracers of Regal Force (1250JP)
[353] Amani Armguards (BoE)
[346] Shackles of Undeath (Shadowfang Keep)
Gloves [378] Immolation Handguards (1650JP)
[378] Gauntlets of Temporal Interference (End Time)
[353] Bone Plate Handguards (Zul’Gurub)
Waist [378] Girdle of Lost Heroes (End Time)
[359] Hardened Elementium Girdle (crafted)
[353] Coils of Hate (Zul’Gurub)
Legs [378] Immolation Legguards (2200JP)
[378] Bloodhoof Legguards (End Time)
[353] Legguards of the Unforgiving (Zul’Aman)
Feet [378] Chrono Boots (End Time)
[365] Pyrelord Greaves (Molten Front)
[353] Legguards of the Unforgiving (Zul’Aman)
Finger [378] Deflecting Brimstone Band (1250JP)
[378] Queen’s Boon (Well of Eternity)
[365] Lylagar Horn Ring (Molten Front)
[365] Nemesis Shell Band (Molten Front)
1H Weapon [378] Gavel of Peroth’arn (Well of Eternity)
[365] Unbreakable Guardian (crafted)
[359] Soul Blade (BoE)
Shield [378] Corrupted Carapace (Hour of Twilight)
[359] Elementium Earthguard (crafted)
[353] Shield of the Blood God (Zul’Gurub)
Relic [378] Deathclutch Figurine (700JP)
[365] Relic of Tortolla (Molten Front)
[346] Notched Jawbone (crafted)
Trinket [378] Veil of Lies (Hour of Twilight)
[378] Scales of Life (BoE)
[359] Mirror of Broken Images (Tol Barad)
April 15, 2012
How to Get Life-Binder's Handmaiden. Reins of the Blazing Drake, and Reins of the Twilight Harbinger
In this guide I will show you how to get three amazing Dragon Soul mounts: Life-Binder's Handmaiden, Reins of the Blazing Drake, and Reins of the Twilight Harbinger. All of these mounts are absolutely beautiful in my opinion, and it seems to be shared with a lot of others.
#1. Life-Binders Handmaiden-
#1. Life-Binders Handmaiden-
Life-Binder's Handmaiden drops on Heroic Mode Dragon Soul from the Elementium Fragment after downing Deathwing. It is a 100% drop, and 1 mount drops from 10-man and 2 drop from 25-man. So if your not pushing through Heroic content, you might want to kick your guild into gear if you want this mount.
Reins of the Blazing Drake is contained in the Elementium Fragment dropped after downing Deathwing. This mount has around a 2% drop rate on Normal mode, and a higher drop rate is suspected in Heroic Mode.
Reins of the Twilight Harbinger is obtained by doing the Dragon Soul Meta Achievement. This isnt an easy achievement to get, so you might want to start working on it as soon as possible.
April 10, 2012
How to Make Gold With Herbalism: Twilight Highlands
In this guide we are going to go over how to make gold farming Twilight Jasmine, Cinderbloom, and Volatile Life. You need to be at least level 80, although level 82-85 is ideal. Also make sure you have 525 Herbalism.
Some good addons are:
Also, if you have 525 mining be sure to look out for ores while your farming. Here is the map I use, I downloaded this off the Internet because it is a great route, so if you know who's map this is let me know so I can give them credit for it.
Some good addons are:
Also, if you have 525 mining be sure to look out for ores while your farming. Here is the map I use, I downloaded this off the Internet because it is a great route, so if you know who's map this is let me know so I can give them credit for it.
This is a great route that includes both herbalism and mining. Once you have gathered all your herbs and/or herbs you can sell them on the AH or in trade chat. This is where the Auctionator addon comes into play.
If you want more in depth gold making tips and tricks, check out the links for the Manaview Tycoon addon on the sidebar of my site. This addon will take your gold making to a whole new level.
How to Make Gold With Herbalism: Deepholm
In this guide we are going to go over how to make gold farming Heartblossom in Deepholm. If you have mining as your second profession, you can feel free to mine ore as you do this. Before you start, you need to make sure that you are at least level 82, and have 475 Herbalism. Its also a good idea to have the Gatherer addon so that you can see where your gathering the most herbs.
Be sure to have good gear equipped and your action bars set up if you are not level 85. If you aren't level 85 then it is possible that you may pull mobs, so be ready. Here is the route map:
Be sure to have good gear equipped and your action bars set up if you are not level 85. If you aren't level 85 then it is possible that you may pull mobs, so be ready. Here is the route map:
This is not a set in stone map, so feel free to move away from it if you see other herbs popping up. This is just a basic route that I have found to work. Once you have all the herbs gathered, list them on the AH or spam trade chat to sell them.
A good addon to do this is Auctionator. Another great addon to help is Tycoon from Manaview. I advertise this paid addon on the site because it can really take your gold making to the next level. Tycoon will tell you the best days and times to sell the herbs on the auction house, and what the average prices are so if there is some underpriced competition out there, you can buy them up and resell them for a profit.
How to Get The Phosphorescent Stone Drake Mount
In this guide I am going to show you how to obtain the amazing Reins Phosphorescent Stone Drake mount. This great mount drops from the extremely rare spawn NPC Aeonaxx. Aeonaxx spawns in Deepholm. He flies in a mostly elliptical route around the middle of the zone.
This is what he looks like:
There are really only two way to find him: to be an extremely lucky individual and have him spawn right on top of you, or for you to camp him out. If you are going to camp him out, the best thing to do is to download NPCScan from and enter in Aeonaxx's code. I would highly recommend downloading NPCscan.Overlay as well.
Aeonaxx's ID is - 50062. This is when he is friendly and unmounted. You will also want to enter the ID 51236. That is his ID for when he is mounted and being fought by another character, that way you will know what state he is in.
Another good ID to enter is 3868 which is for a low level 15 bat that shares a spawn with Aeonaxx. If your NPC scan goes off and its Blood Seeker, you should find something else to do because Aeonaxx wont be spawning for a few hours at the least. Here is what he looks like:
Now the only thing to do is camp it out. If you are not content with just letting your character sit there waiting for a giant stone dragon, you can always go mine ores or herbs around the area. Or check the other rare spawns in the area who drop great rare items. Also, be sure to clear you WoW cache when you see a rare spawn. Once you see them once, NPC scan will not alert you again until you clear the cache.
April 9, 2012
How to Find Brightly Colored Eggs for Noblegarden Festival
Hopefully you all are aware that the Noblegarden Festival is upon us. This is the WoW equivalent of Easter, and the festival sports a giant egg hunt. Brightly Colored Eggs have been placed in each of the classes starting zones, and they contain Noblegarden Chocolates, and rarer items such as: fashion attire, a rare pet, and an epic mount the Swift Springstrider.
For the Alliance, you should visit Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire, and Kharanos
For the Horde, you should visit Bloodhoof Village, Falconwing Square, Brill, and Razor Hill
The Chocolates can be used as currencies to buy Noblegarden items from a Noblegarden vendor in one of the starting zones.
Good luck finding eggs, and please share your Noblegarden stories!
For the Alliance, you should visit Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire, and Kharanos
For the Horde, you should visit Bloodhoof Village, Falconwing Square, Brill, and Razor Hill
The Chocolates can be used as currencies to buy Noblegarden items from a Noblegarden vendor in one of the starting zones.
Good luck finding eggs, and please share your Noblegarden stories!
April 8, 2012
Noblegarden Festival April 8th - 15th
The World of Warcraft Noblegarden Festival is officially here! Starting at 3:00A.M on April 8th and ending at the same time on April 15th, Brightly Colored Eggs will be placed in all of the class starting zones.
From these eggs you will get Noblegarden Chocolates, fashion atire, and a chance at the Swift Springstrider epic mount. You can also pay 500 chocolates for the mount at a Noblegarden vendor.
More information can be found on the festival, including quests, items, and prizes at WoW Head News.
How to Make Gold With Herbalism: Mount Hyjal
In this guide we are going to go over making gold with Herbalism in Mount Hyjal. You are going to be gathering Cinderbloom, Stormvine, and Volatile Life.
To start off, make sure you have your Herbalism leveled to at least 425 and that you have your herb bags equipped. It also doesn't hurt to have epic flying and a flying mount.
To start off, make sure you have your Herbalism leveled to at least 425 and that you have your herb bags equipped. It also doesn't hurt to have epic flying and a flying mount.
You do not have to follow this path directly, but it is a good base to start with. Now go kill some flowers and make some gold.
April 7, 2012
World of Warcraft Alchemy Leveling Guide
World of Warcraft Alchemy leveling guide will guide you in the
fastest way how to level your Alchemy skill up from 1 to 525, while
spending as little gold as you can. The guide is updated for
WoW patch 4.3.3
is the best combined with Herbalism, you can save a lot of gold if
you level these two professions together because you can farm all the
needed herbs. Check out the Herbalism leveling guide if you
want to level Herbalism. If you don't have Herbalism, make sure you
have enough gold because buying all the herbs off the auction house
can be very expensive.
Often the
materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each
craft. This may not happen, so you may have to buy more than
you don't have a whole lot of gold, check out some of my gold making
guides or this Gold
Making Addon.
you need help leveling your Character, check out this Leveling
Addon to level to 85 in 7 days or less!
Alchemy guide sections:
1 - 60
60 - 140
140 - 205
205 - 285
285 - 350
350 - 425
Grand Master
425 - 525
Materials Required for 1-525:
- 59 x Peacebloom
- 59 x Silverleaf
- 93 x Briarthorn
- 20 x Mageroyal
- 33 x Bruiseweed
- 45 x Stranglekelp
- 20 x Liferoot
- 30 x Kingsblood
- 35 x Goldthorn
- 10 x Wild Steelbloom
- 25 x Sungrass
- 45 x Khadgar's Whisker
- 10 x Blindweed
- 40 x Gromsblood
- 30 x Sorrowmoss
- 15 x Dreamfoil
- 45 x Golden Sansam
- 18 x Mountain Silversage
- 50 x Felweed
- 10 x Terocone
- 35 x Dreaming Glory
- 10 x Netherbloom
- 20 x Talandra's Rose
- 5 x Pygmy Suckerfish
- 75 x Goldclover
- 30 x Tiger Lily
- 25 x Adder's Tongue
- 20 x Icethorn
- 40 x Lichbloom
- 69 x Cinderbloom
- 18 x Stormvine
- 39 x Azshara's Veil
- 25 x Heartblossom
- 5 x Volatile Life
- 32 x Twilight Jasmine
- 23 x Whiptail
- 3 x Hessonite
- 15 x Alicite
- 15 x Zephyrite or 15 Nightstone
Alchemy Leveling Guide
1 - 60
First, visit
any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth -
just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy.
You can
find Vials at "Alchemy Supplies" vendors, they are usually
near the Alchemy trainer.
You'll need these in the next step of the Alchemy guide.
60 - 140 (Journeyman)
140 - 205 (Expert)
Make [Fire Oil] if you don't have [Stranglekelp] or if [Firefin Snapper] is cheap. You could also make more [Healing Potion].
orIf you don't have that many Goldthorn, make [Mana Potion] or [Lesser Invisibility Potion] up to around 195. These recipes will be yellow.If you don't have any Goldthorn at all, you can make [Nature Protection Potion] between 190-215, the recipe is sold by these vendors.
205 - 285 (Artisan)
Read the end of the previous section if you don't have Goldthorn.
You can make this one up to 250 if it's easier for you to get Sungrass instead of Blindweed.
- 239-240
If you are at or above level 75 and you will level Alchemy past 500, you can skip this part. Your epic Alchemy trinket will be used for transmutes.You will need this for transmutes, keep it.
You can also make [Elixir of Greater Intellect] or [Superior Healing Potion] up to 265 and[Superior Mana Potion] for the last 5 points.Make [Stonescale Oil] between 250-255 if you can find Stonescale Eel at the Auction House then turn those into [Elixir of Superior Defense] when you reach 265. The recipe is sold by these NPCs.
285 - 350 (Master)
- 300-315
Choose one of the recipes below. You can switch to the next recipe at 310 if you want to.
Make the previous recipe 5 more times if you don't have Netherbloom.
350 - 425 (Grand Master)
You can make this one up to 385 and skip the next part of the guide.
This recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, you might need to make more than 10.
- 395-405When you reach 400, you can make a [Northrend Alchemy Research] and your Alchemy Trinket, so you will need to craft fewer potions.
- 415-425This recipe turns green at 422, so you might need to make more than 20.
425 - 525 (Illustrious)
You can also make [Deepstone Oil] between 470-475 and then turn the Deepstone Oils into[Mysterious Potion]. You should reach around 477 with this method.
you reach an Alchemy skill of 475, you may begin a quest to learn one
of three specializations: Potions, Elixirs, or Transmutations.
Being specialized gives you a chance to create an extra 1 to 4 (for a
total 5) items while crafting in the field you have selected. For
example, a Master of Potions may be able to craft more than one
[Potion of Treasure Finding] for the same material cost as one.
- 495-504
It is really important that you stop at 504, you will gain 10 skill points this way when you craft the next two recipes.
- 504-509
1 x [Flask of Enhancement] - 8 Twilight Jasmine, 8 Stormvine, 8 Azshara's Veil, 8 Whiptail, 8 Cinderbloom
Skip this part if you don't need the trinket. Transmute one [Dream Emerald] and then start the next recipe in the guide or start making [Flask of Titanic Strength] if Hessonite is expensive.
How to Make Gold With Blacksmithing Patch 4.3
Making gold with Blacksmithing can be fun, easy, and profitable. The is not very much competition for the profession, so your mats should sell fairly well. There are a couple of different ways to make gold with BS, and I will list the most profitable ones I have found here. Some of these methods will take more time than others, so be patient.
The most profitable, but slowest selling, is the Viscous and Viscous ornate PvP gear. I would recommend crafting the Head, Shoulder, and Chest pieces first, and add the others as you go. List the items on the AH, or advertise in trade chat. Make sure that the mats are less than the lowest prices the gear has been listed for. You can do this by using the Auctionator addon.
The next most profitable I have found is the Ebonsteel Belt Buckle. Every raider and new level 85 is going to be buying these. The best days to list these are Tuesday, Wednesday, and the weekends. A tip for this is to check the prices of pyrium and elementium bars and compare them to the prices of the raw ore. If the ore is a lot cheaper, just have someone you know or ask in trade chat and have someone smelt them for you.
If you have a lot of gold to play around with, consider buying the epic gear patterns and crafting the items to list on the AH. You can also post in trade that you can craft the items. Players are always looking to upgrade their gear. Also look into crafting BiS items for Warriors, Paladins, and DKs. These will net you a lot of gold.
Also do not forget to craft Enchanting rods. These dont sell as often, but they are cheap to craft and can make you some extra gold on the side.
I also want to give a shoutout to Tarou at for this next method. Create Stormforged Shoulders and disenchant them for the Heavenly Shards. This is a great way to make gold quickly because Heavenly Shards sell quickly and are extremely profitable.
A great addon that is a must for crafting items is Tycoon from Manaview. I promote their products on my site because I believe that they are the best on the market. I have made a lot of gold using Tycoon, and consider it a must have for crafting professions. You can find out more information on their addon at my review or by clicking here.
The most profitable, but slowest selling, is the Viscous and Viscous ornate PvP gear. I would recommend crafting the Head, Shoulder, and Chest pieces first, and add the others as you go. List the items on the AH, or advertise in trade chat. Make sure that the mats are less than the lowest prices the gear has been listed for. You can do this by using the Auctionator addon.
The next most profitable I have found is the Ebonsteel Belt Buckle. Every raider and new level 85 is going to be buying these. The best days to list these are Tuesday, Wednesday, and the weekends. A tip for this is to check the prices of pyrium and elementium bars and compare them to the prices of the raw ore. If the ore is a lot cheaper, just have someone you know or ask in trade chat and have someone smelt them for you.
If you have a lot of gold to play around with, consider buying the epic gear patterns and crafting the items to list on the AH. You can also post in trade that you can craft the items. Players are always looking to upgrade their gear. Also look into crafting BiS items for Warriors, Paladins, and DKs. These will net you a lot of gold.
Also do not forget to craft Enchanting rods. These dont sell as often, but they are cheap to craft and can make you some extra gold on the side.
I also want to give a shoutout to Tarou at for this next method. Create Stormforged Shoulders and disenchant them for the Heavenly Shards. This is a great way to make gold quickly because Heavenly Shards sell quickly and are extremely profitable.
A great addon that is a must for crafting items is Tycoon from Manaview. I promote their products on my site because I believe that they are the best on the market. I have made a lot of gold using Tycoon, and consider it a must have for crafting professions. You can find out more information on their addon at my review or by clicking here.
April 6, 2012
How to Make Gold With Alchemy: Transmutation Specialization
In this guide I am going to cover how to make gold with the Transmutation Specialization spec of Alchemy. To start, you need to make sure you have the transmutation specialization from Zarevhi in Netherstorm.
Also be sure to have the Auctionator and Postal Addons. These will make things a whole lot easier when selling your potions.
I start of by transmuting Epic Gems. The most profitable for me is the Inferno Ruby, but you can also look into Demonseye and Ember Topaz. All you need to do is buy the corresponding uncommon gems and herbs off the AH and your good to go. You will make the most gold off of your procs, but it is always good to make sure that you will make gold without a proc when buying the mats.
Next I make Shadowspirit Diamonds. You will need 3x each of the Cataclysm uncommon gems, and they will make 2x Shadowspirit Diamonds. You can usually pick up the mats for less than the cost of the Shadowspirit Diamonds, so the procs are pure profit.
I start of by transmuting Epic Gems. The most profitable for me is the Inferno Ruby, but you can also look into Demonseye and Ember Topaz. All you need to do is buy the corresponding uncommon gems and herbs off the AH and your good to go. You will make the most gold off of your procs, but it is always good to make sure that you will make gold without a proc when buying the mats.
Next I make Shadowspirit Diamonds. You will need 3x each of the Cataclysm uncommon gems, and they will make 2x Shadowspirit Diamonds. You can usually pick up the mats for less than the cost of the Shadowspirit Diamonds, so the procs are pure profit.
Next we are going to use our daily CD of Truegold or Living Elements. I recommend Living Elements, but selling your Truegold CD in trade can be profitable as well. For Living Elements, make sure you go to the correct are for the most profitable volatile.
Mount Hyjal: Volatile Fire
Vashj'ir: Volatile Water
Deepholm: Volatile Earth
In my experience Transmutation Specialization is the most profitable of the three. Remember to always use your daily CD, and to make sure the costs of mats are lower than the cost of the end product, regardless of procs.
Now go make some gold!
If you are interested in the addons and guides I use to make the most gold possible, check out Manaview's Tycoon addon. Its the best gold making addon I have found, and I personally use it with great results.
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