April 10, 2012

How to Get The Phosphorescent Stone Drake Mount

In this guide I am going to show you how to obtain the amazing Reins Phosphorescent Stone Drake mount. This great mount drops from the extremely rare spawn NPC Aeonaxx. Aeonaxx spawns in Deepholm. He flies in a mostly elliptical route around the middle of the zone.

aeonass spawn points

This is what he looks like:

aeonaxx screenshot

There are really only two way to find him: to be an extremely lucky individual and have him spawn right on top of you, or for you to camp him out. If you are going to camp him out, the best thing to do is to download NPCScan from curse.com and enter in Aeonaxx's code. I would highly recommend downloading NPCscan.Overlay as well. 

Aeonaxx's ID is - 50062. This is when he is friendly and unmounted. You will also want to enter the ID 51236. That is his ID for when he is mounted and being fought by another character, that way you will know what state he is in. 

Another good ID to enter is 3868 which is for a low level 15 bat that shares a spawn with Aeonaxx. If your NPC scan goes off and its Blood Seeker, you should find something else to do because Aeonaxx wont be spawning for a few hours at the least. Here is what he looks like:

                          blood seeker aeonaxx

Now the only thing to do is camp it out. If you are not content with just letting your character sit there waiting for a giant stone dragon, you can always go mine ores or herbs around the area. Or check the other rare spawns in the area who drop great rare items. Also, be sure to clear you WoW cache when you see a rare spawn. Once you see them once, NPC scan will not alert you again until you clear the cache. 

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